| HRNGO Forum members have actively participated in consultations on legislative proposals related to criminal, tort and administrative law, domestic violence, criminal procedure, law enforcement, custody procedure, and public hearing.
2015.04. | HRNGO Forum members participated in UPR pre-session meeting organized by UPR Info in Geneva to inform about human rights concerns in the country. |
2015.02 | A letter was sent by HRNGO Forum to the Ministry of Justice, General Police Department and General Prosecutor’s Office to demand respect for liberty and security of persons |
2015.02.11 | National report sent by the Government of Mongolia to the UN Human Rights Council past the deadline. |
2014.11-2015.01 | HRNGO Forum members provided their views and comments on the draft national report prepared by the Government of Mongolia during their participation in three consultative meetings.
| A letter was sent to the Prime Minister, Minister of Justice, Minister of Foreign Affairs to take actions to intensify preparation of and consultation over the national report.
2014.10-11 | Series of meetings with government authorities were organized to inform them of NGOs submissions to the HRC. Media was broadly engaged to inform the public.
| HRNGO Forum provided written information to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. |
2014.09.15 | HRNGO Forum prepared and submitted factsheets to HRC on selected 12 human rights issues. |
| Written information regarding human rights of refugees was submitted to Forum Asia. |
2014.07-08 | HRNGO Forum members participated in and shared experience at the Second Regional Meeting of North-East Asian Human Rights NGOs on UPR Follow-up in Seoul.
| An event, “Human rights information market”, was organized to inform the media on challenges encountered in implementation of UPR recommendations and the outcomes of advocacy meetings with decision-makers. |
2014 | A letter was sent to the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia regarding protection of human rights defenders.
| A letter was send to the Ministry of Justice and Immigration Office demanding for fulfillment of government obligations under the Convention against Torture.
2014.02 | A consultative meeting on preparation of UPR mid-term report was organized jointly by the government working group and HRNGO Forum |
| HRNGO Forum representatives met with government working group in charge of preparing UPR mid-term report. A letter was sent to the Speaker of the Parliament inquiring about closing down of Internal Investigation Unit at the General Prosecutor’s Office.
| HRNGO Forum organized series of meetings to inform legislators and government officials on expected outcomes and indicators of UPR recommendations implementation developed by HRNGO Forum members. |
| The Government of Mongolia established a working group in charge of preparing mid-term report on UPR recommendations as a result of HRNGO Forum advocacy.
| A working group of HRNGO Forum developed a document on expected outcomes and indicators to assess UPR recommendations implementation in order to bring views and position of government and non-government organizations into line.
2013.07 | A consultative meeting on the implementation of UPR recommendations was organized jointly by the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNDP and OSF |
2013.04 | HRNGO Forum sent report on the implementation of UPR recommendations to UPR Info. |
2013.04 | Government and non-government organizations discussed about implementation of UPR recommendations.
2013.02-04 | HRNGO Forum prepared report on implementation of UPR recommendations. |
2012.11 | The Minister of Foreign Affairs hosted a consultation on UPR recommendations in Citizens’ Hall.
| HRNGO Forum members participated in the First Regional Meeting of North-East Asian Human Rights NGOs on UPR Follow-up in Tokyo. |
| The Government of Mongolia adopted a plan of action to implement UPR recommendations.
2011.03 | HRNGO Forum continued its advocacy activities.
2011. 03
| UN Human Rights Council approved the Working Group report on UPR of Mongolia at its plenary session. The Government of Mongolia pledged to implement 126 recommendations out of 129. HRNGO Forum members informed members of the UN Human Rights Committee in New York during its 101 session. HRNGO Forum representative made a statement at the plenary session of the HRC.
| HRNGO Forum continued its advocacy activities. HRNGO Forum provided written information to the UN Human Rights Committee on implementation of ICCPR.
| UN Human Rights Council Working Group reviewed human rights situation of Mongolia. HRNGO Forum representatives participated in the Working Group meeting and carried out advocacy activities. HRNGO Forum representatives met with members of the UN Committee against Torture to inform them of the situation in the country. HRNGO Forum representatives participated in Regional Consultation on NHRIs and CSOs' engagement with the international human rights system: Enhancing the protection of human rights on the ground in Asia which took place in Bangkok. |
| HRNGO Forum carried out comprehensive advocacy activities such as meetings with decision-makers, training of journalists, informing the public about human rights concerns and UPR. |
| The Government of Mongolia sent national report to the UN Human Rights Council. |
2010.07 | OHCHR compiled information from UN specialized agencies and international human rights mechanisms.
| NGOs and National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia provided written information to the UN Human Rights Council. |
| Human rights NGOs of Mongolia came together as a forum and prepared factsheets on nine human rights issues in the country. |
2010.01 | Forum Asia organized comprehensive training for Mongolian NGOs on UPR. |